Mar 17, 2019 by Silvio Paulo Mariotti
Got my first lesson with Mikko and had fantastic 1-2-1 session going from handling to shooting. Mikko has excellent training skills, calm and professional, transmits his years of professional shooting with generosity and effectiveness. results are immediately shown on the target, from all whites to black in one session. highly recommended for anyone needing confidence with arms. evermore, Felipe is helpful and cool guy, the shooting round is filled with passionate and smiling persons. really an excellent experience, which I'll repeat ASAP. Thanks Mikko ad Felipe!!
Nov 3, 2018 by Juuso Syrjä
Infinity Tactics has provided us education and knowledge for our Netflix tv-series, teaching different weapon handling, movements and how to use real life situations and tactics in film industry. Mikko’s understandings also of the films and how to combine his professionalism to our projects has been also super useful. Highly recommended.
Nov 4, 2018 by Paul Peckham
Mikko taught me and my daughter and has a patient, supportive and encouraging style.
He inspires and encourages as well as teaching safety and security at all times.
I would recommend him to any level of student, beginner through to expert.
If you want to improve then Mikko and Infinity Tactics can help you towards your goals
Nov 4, 2018 by Frederic Fred
We have had a few lessons with the team and were really impressed with the teaching and training technique. Very down to earth approach. Thanks guys and keep it up!
Aug 2, 2018 by Ari Kangas
Reilu viikko sitten osallistuin INFINITY TACTICSin Taktiselle käsiasekurssille OSUVAn Tähtitorninmäen ampumaradalla, jossa alan ammattilaisista koostuva ryhmämme pääsi harjoittelemaan INFINITY TACTICSIN Instructor & Finland Country Manager Jari Pihlajamäen johdolla taktista aseenkäyttöä ja ammuntaa eri tilanteissa.
Kurssilta jäi palava halu kehittää omaa taktista aseenkäyttöä lisää; siihen tulikin tilaisuus, kun Jari (Pihlajamäki) tarjosi peruutuspaikkaa Lopen Ampumaurheilukeskuksessa 28.-29.7. INFINITY TACTICSin Taktiselle kiväärikurssille (Tactical Carbine Course 1/2). Ei tarvinnut miettiä, lähdin mukaan kurssille, joka oli tarkoitettu aktiivireserviläisille, ammattisotilaille ja asetta työkseen kantaville viranomaisille sekä SRA-ampujille, jotka haluavat syventää oppiaan taktisesta aseenkäsittelystä.
Lauantaiaamuna Helsingistä kohti sadan kilometrin päässä sijaitsevaa Lopen ampumaurheilukeskusta. Aloitus klo 9 päärakennuksessa, jossa Jarin johdolla osallistujien esittely, aseenkäytön neljä turvasääntöä, turvallinen aseenkäsittely, taktisen aseenkäytön perusteet, jne.
Teorian jälkeen siirtyminen 150 metrin kivääriradalle ja kalusto ampumakuntoon. Päivän harjoitus koostui valmiusasennoista ja otteista, lataamisesta ja tyhjentämisestä, ampuma-asennoista, maalinvaihdoista ja käännöksistä, lippaanvaihdoista ja häiriönpoistoista sekä ammunnoista eri etäisyyksiltä. Lauantain ohjelma saatiin kasaan klo 19, välillä pidettiin muutama pikku tauko ja nopea lounas.
Sunnuntai aloitettiin klo 9 teorialla, aiheena edelleen taktinen toiminta, varusteet ja välineet sekä niiden sijoittelu.
Harjoitusradalle päästiin klo 11, jossa taas aseet ja varusteet valmiiksi. Aloitus edellisen päivän kertauksilla ja jatkoksi käännöksiä, häiriönpoistoja, kohteen ja osuma-alueen vaihtoja, pientä stressitestiä kellon kanssa, jne. Nopea lounas, ja radalla tukiaseen ja pääaseen vaihtoja, häiriön poistoja eri tilanteissa sekä lopuksi esteen/ kulman takaa ampumista, jne.
Aurinkoa ja lämpöä riitti mukavat + 27-30 C ja nestettä kului; olo oli kuin "kotona" Lähi-idässä.
Oli mielenkiintoista päästä käsittelemään kahden pitkän päivän ajan AR-15 -kivääriä, joka on NATO -yhteensopivana aseena syrjäyttämässä vahvasti perinteistä Suomen Puolustusvoimien RK -rynnäkkökivääriä reserviläis- ja SRA- käytössä. AR-15 on pienikaliiperisempi (5.56 mm) ja painoltaan hieman kevyempi käsitellä kuin perinteinen RK -rynnäkkökivääriin (7,62 mm).
Suurin osa kurssilaisista oli vanhoja konkareita AR-15 käsittelyssä, mikä näkyikin otteissa ja varsinkin maalitaulujen reikien sijainnissa.
Oma kiväärikokemukseni perustui pitkälti Suomalaiseen RK -rynnäkkökivääriin, käytössä omassa varusmiespalveluksessa ja sen jälkeen YK- tehtävissä henkilökohtaisena aseena.
AR-15 kiväärillä olin ampunut aiemmin muutaman lippaallisen Puolan armeijan asekouluttajien pitämissä taktisissa koulutuksissa Puolassa.
Vanhat RK- refleksit sotkivat tekemistä ja virheitä tuli tasaisesti (vaihtimet ja lukitukset ovat AR-15 kiväärissä erilaiset ja eri paikassa), varsinkin lipasvaihtojen ja häiriöiden kanssa sai olla todella tarkkana. Aseen käsittelyssä kyse on hienomotoriikasta, vain millien siirroista vaihtimissa ja liipaisimella, virhe hidastaa suoritusta merkittävästi tai siirtää osuman kokonaan kohteen ohi. Tekemisen vaativuudelle antaa lisämaustetta kovien patruunoiden paino täysissä lippaissa ja vierestä kuuluva AR-15 kiväärin tasainen nakutus.
Kurssi oli minulle loistava AR-15 kiväärin käsittely ja käyttöpläjäys, hyviä vinkkejä omatoimiseen virheiden korjaamiseen ja kylmäharjoitteluun; vanha taistelijan sääntö ”tuhat toistoa päivässä pitää lääkärin loitolla" pätee tässäkin.
Mukana olleella BBGn tiimillä oli merkittävä osa tämän kurssin järjestämiseen. BGGn Tomas loihti kurssille maittavat eväät ammuntojen lomassa; neljä tähteä, valkoisten pöytäliinojen puuttuminen vei yhden tähden. Iso Kiitos Tomakselle ja muille BBGn MahtiÄijille.
Kurssin yhteishenki oli Superia – Kiitos Teille! Ja tietysti Iso Kiitos Jarille! Jarilla on kokemusta huokuva ote asekoulutuksiin! Turvallisuus on numero yksi ja virheitä korjataan tarkasti pitkin matkaa hyvässä hengessä!
Täyttä kymppiä täytyy antaa INFINITY TACTICS- kursseille ja Jarille. Kolmea en vaihda, Jaria kouluttajana, Tomasta
kokkina ja punapistetähtäintä (Aimpoint) kiväärin päällä.
INFINITY TACTICS web- sivut www.infinitytactics.com ja FB -sivut https://www.facebook.com/InfinityTactics/
Aurinkoista Syksyä Kaikille,
Combat Academy of Finland
Aug 2, 2018 by Ari Kangas
Kansainvälinen ase- ampumakoulutusyritys INFINITY TACTICS järjesti taktisen pistooliammunnan (Tactical Handgun Course 2) kurssin OSUVAn Tähtitorninmäen ampumaradalla La 21.7. johon minulla (Ari) oli kunnia osallistua.
Päivän kestäneessä asekoulutuksessa viranomaisista ja alan ammattilaisista koostuva ryhmämme pääsi testaamaan INFINITY TACTICSin tarjoamaa taktista ammuntaa OSUVAn Helsingin Tähtitorninmäen ampumaradalla (Fabianinkatu 1).
Kurssin opetuksesta vastasi INFINITY TACTICSin Instructor & Finland Country Manager Jari Pihlajamäki, jonka johdolla paneuduimme taktisen aseenkäytön ja ammunnan hienouksiin, pääpainon ollessa aiemmin opettujen tekniikoiden hiomisessa, yhden käden manipulaatioissa, suojan käytössä sekä liikkuminen ja ampuminen epätavallisista ampuma-asennoista.
Omalta osaltani jouduin taas kerran nöyrästi toteamaan, että taktinen aseenkäsittely on äärettömän vaativaa ja tarkkaa työtä. Taktisessa aseen käsittelyssä kun puhutaan sekuntien murto-osissa tehdyistä hienomotorisista liikkeistä, joita on hiottu tuhansia ja tuhansia kertoja, suurella ilolla ja kunnioituksella sain seurata Jarin ja muiden kurssilaisten mahtavaa tekemistä.
Todella Mahtava päivä ja tätä varmasti Lisää :)
Lämpimät Kiitokset INFINITY TACTICSin Jari Pihlajamäelle (terkut myös Mikko Leinoselle), kurssikavereille sekä OSUVAn porukalle (Antille, Otsolle, jne.).
INFINITY TACTICSn ja OSUVAn toimintoja ja henkilökuntaa voin lämpimästi Suositella Kaikille!
The Real Thing – Five Stars
Combat Academy of Finland
Dec 30, 2016 by Ian Boughey
I have been a teacher, employed teachers, and worked with teachers, for over 36 years and in all this time, it was rare to meet a pedagogue who is totally passionate about his or her subject and has also mastered it completely.
Mikko is such a teacher. I learned so much and enjoyed the time with him in that one hour lesson that I didn't notice the time passing!
The moment I met him I felt that I was in the presence of someone who was totally in control of the situation which, when you are a beginner in this field, helps to relax you.
The lesson was entirely satisfying as he corrected my faults right from the beginning and treated me like an intelligent, thinking, adult even though this was my first time.
I can't wait to continue my education with him and to take this new found passion of mine to the limit.
Dec 27, 2016 by Michael James
Mikko is a great coach! Friendly, clear, disciplined and extremely good at what he does.
Highly recommended!
Aug 30, 2016 by Simo Latvala
Aug 29, 2016 by Peter Ozua Jr
Professional, personable, and above all knowledgable.
Sep 14, 2015 by DSS1
I attended this with a friend, and we really appreciated the professionalism of Mikko.
We had a great time.
Sep 6, 2015 by Lionel T
I attended the Introductory firearms training session with my friends and below is my review:
1. Mikko is an excellent and a patient instructor. He made sure we all learn the importance of gun safety and also made sure we got precise information on every gun that we shot.
2. The whole course was a perfect mix of theory and actual shooting. I definitely enjoyed.
3. Mikko made us feel comfortable and made our experience more interesting and engaging by conducting a competition round. We loved it!!
Overall we had a great experience. I would recommend anyone who wants to try shooing to give this place a try. You wont be disappointed!
Aug 29, 2015 by Gianluca B
I attended Mikko's introductory course together with a friend. Excellent experience and very knowledgeable instructor. He is experienced, easy-going and always makes you feel comfortable!
Jun 7, 2015 by Dominic Voisin
Great introductory course. Mikko is a very experienced instructor which comes over in his professional, knowledgeable & friendly manner. It was a great experience that I would recommend to anyone who wants to try out pistol shooting.
May 9, 2015 by Sumit Thapliyal
I did the Beginners class and here is the feedback:
1. Excellent Instructor: Mikko is just great. I really felt that I am learning from an Armed Forces Officer. Experienced and very Sharp. each and every instruction was clear and precise.
2. Very good Course Structure: the right match of theory and practical...really learn a lot and enjoyed a lot.
100% value for money and time.
This course is a must if you are interested in shooting.
Apr 12, 2015 by Judit B
Great experience, thanks again!
I had a beginners/introductory course led by Mikko. He is a very good trainer, professional, passionate about his job, knowledgeable and friendly.
I would highly recommend to take a course with him to anyone, even those who never thought about trying shooting.
Feb 16, 2015 by Froilan Z
Although I've gone shooting previously, I've never actually taken a course to learn "properly". Taking Mikko's introductory course was the best decision I've done as a recreational shooter. I've always just thrown lead downrange and hoped for the best. No consistency, no "science" behind the activity. In a way, I may have developed really bad shooting habits and with the introductory course, I feel I'm on my way to becoming a better, more responsible, and more consistent shooter. Mikko was very clear in his explanations, very attentive, professional and very very knowledgeable. I believe that having another participant was also a really good idea, as it does give you a break between shooting, to reflect and discuss, and share the experience with someone during and after the course.
If you're thinking of shooting but never done it before, I would definitely suggest that you go with Mikko for your introductory course.
Feb 15, 2015 by Catarina M
Attended the introductory/beginners course led by Mikko. Really enjoyed how the session was structured starting with a comprehensive safety brief and clear instructions on technique. After this we went straight into practice, shooting at a target placed at various distances. It was good having a session with another participant as I learned from his contributions and it also gave me a needed break between rounds. Apart from being incredibly knowledgeable, I found Mikko engaging and patient. Mikko is a sharp observer, provides precise and useful feedback which he communicates effectively. Would encourage any sane people curious about shooting to attend a beginner’s session with Mikko.
Jan 25, 2015 by Chris R
Great introductory course. Mikko is professional, knowledgeable, helpful, and quite friendly. It was an excellent experience that I would highly recommend to people who want to try out shooting.
Jan 18, 2015 by Corrado
I completed the introductory course. Really professional approach at all times interesting and never boring. Great guy!
I would definitely recommend him as an instructor, if you want to experience this beautiful activity.
Nov 25, 2014 by Peter O
What an amazing teacher. He took myself and some friends for a shoot with semi automatic rifles, a sub machine gun, and a shotgun. He was not only deeply experienced, but also very personable. He made the whole day fun, safe and a real learning experience. Highly recommended and would love to do it all again.
Oct 4, 2014 by Peter Williams
Fantastic training by Mikko for my partner and I. We both agree he is extremely patient, professional, knowledgeable and an all round great guy!
Mikko's extensive experience and background are evident in his impressive ability with firearms.
Thank you from us both!
Sep 29, 2014 by Michael N
I had very good time with Mikko and excellent introduction the shooting world.
Sep 17, 2014 by robertobravo
Mikko is just awesome!!! he's calm, patient and detailed but without being boring. He gives you absolute confidence, he's focused on safety and precision and let you enjoy this experience. I highly appreciate his advice's and guidance. I recommend him to anyone that want to experience firearms. It was one of my best experiences ever.
Sep 15, 2014 by Katherine I
I had a wonderful time. It was my first experience with guns. Mikko takes you through all the safety tips and lets you do it with his close supervision.
Good activity for beating stress.
I will give 5 stars for outstanding professionalism with all people, good customer service and excellent training skills.
Highly recommended!
May 8, 2014 by Richard Chitwood
I had a great experience with Mikko! Very good on Safety and a lot of fun.
Apr 25, 2014 by John R
Mikko is great! Safety always first, funny guy, and he makes it all fun. 5 stars!
Apr 16, 2014 by Laurence Attouz
Mikko is a very good trainer, you feel yourself in good hands, on a safe mode. Groups are small so we have enough time to practice.
Usually we go out on the evening to share our feelings, some laughs and some drinks !!!
I highly recommend this activity to evacuate your stress and all negative feelings :)
Apr 16, 2014 by Thanos D
highly recommended!
Mikko combines effective training with fun but always under one flag:
I am not a beginner but will continue to take courses with him in order to improve my dynamic shooting technique!
Apr 15, 2014 by Briony P
My introuction to shooting course was one of the best afternoons I have spent in Geneva. I was quite nervous before we started, guns are powerful and obviously pretty dangerous, but Mikko put me at my ease and went through safety rules and taught us how to handle the weapons so thoroughly, which was really reassuring. I was interested by the psychology behind shooting, its a lot more than the point and aim I was expecting, and I was really satisfied to get decent results when I took this on board and really thought about what I was doing. The lesson went really quickly. Definitely want to go again and would recommend this to anyone.
Apr 15, 2014 by Adrien F
The best instructor in Geneva! For a kind of dangerous activity if its taking into consideration, he can lead us into a very safe and delightful moment of experience. A properly legitimate and respectable one and very good motivator. I've been addicted to shooting now, and no matter what, I feel better after I found a proper FOCUS on target. What my friends say when I came with the private group once? He has credibility!
Mar 17, 2019 by Silvio Paulo Mariotti
Got my first lesson with Mikko and had fantastic 1-2-1 session going from handling to shooting. Mikko has excellent training skills, calm and professional, transmits his years of professional shooting with generosity and effectiveness. results are immediately shown on the target, from all whites to black in one session. highly recommended for anyone needing confidence with arms. evermore, Felipe is helpful and cool guy, the shooting round is filled with passionate and smiling persons. really an excellent experience, which I'll repeat ASAP. Thanks Mikko ad Felipe!!
Nov 3, 2018 by Juuso Syrjä
Infinity Tactics has provided us education and knowledge for our Netflix tv-series, teaching different weapon handling, movements and how to use real life situations and tactics in film industry. Mikko’s understandings also of the films and how to combine his professionalism to our projects has been also super useful. Highly recommended.
Nov 4, 2018 by Paul Peckham
Mikko taught me and my daughter and has a patient, supportive and encouraging style.
He inspires and encourages as well as teaching safety and security at all times.
I would recommend him to any level of student, beginner through to expert.
If you want to improve then Mikko and Infinity Tactics can help you towards your goals
Nov 4, 2018 by Frederic Fred
We have had a few lessons with the team and were really impressed with the teaching and training technique. Very down to earth approach. Thanks guys and keep it up!
Aug 2, 2018 by Ari Kangas
Reilu viikko sitten osallistuin INFINITY TACTICSin Taktiselle käsiasekurssille OSUVAn Tähtitorninmäen ampumaradalla, jossa alan ammattilaisista koostuva ryhmämme pääsi harjoittelemaan INFINITY TACTICSIN Instructor & Finland Country Manager Jari Pihlajamäen johdolla taktista aseenkäyttöä ja ammuntaa eri tilanteissa.
Kurssilta jäi palava halu kehittää omaa taktista aseenkäyttöä lisää; siihen tulikin tilaisuus, kun Jari (Pihlajamäki) tarjosi peruutuspaikkaa Lopen Ampumaurheilukeskuksessa 28.-29.7. INFINITY TACTICSin Taktiselle kiväärikurssille (Tactical Carbine Course 1/2). Ei tarvinnut miettiä, lähdin mukaan kurssille, joka oli tarkoitettu aktiivireserviläisille, ammattisotilaille ja asetta työkseen kantaville viranomaisille sekä SRA-ampujille, jotka haluavat syventää oppiaan taktisesta aseenkäsittelystä.
Lauantaiaamuna Helsingistä kohti sadan kilometrin päässä sijaitsevaa Lopen ampumaurheilukeskusta. Aloitus klo 9 päärakennuksessa, jossa Jarin johdolla osallistujien esittely, aseenkäytön neljä turvasääntöä, turvallinen aseenkäsittely, taktisen aseenkäytön perusteet, jne.
Teorian jälkeen siirtyminen 150 metrin kivääriradalle ja kalusto ampumakuntoon. Päivän harjoitus koostui valmiusasennoista ja otteista, lataamisesta ja tyhjentämisestä, ampuma-asennoista, maalinvaihdoista ja käännöksistä, lippaanvaihdoista ja häiriönpoistoista sekä ammunnoista eri etäisyyksiltä. Lauantain ohjelma saatiin kasaan klo 19, välillä pidettiin muutama pikku tauko ja nopea lounas.
Sunnuntai aloitettiin klo 9 teorialla, aiheena edelleen taktinen toiminta, varusteet ja välineet sekä niiden sijoittelu.
Harjoitusradalle päästiin klo 11, jossa taas aseet ja varusteet valmiiksi. Aloitus edellisen päivän kertauksilla ja jatkoksi käännöksiä, häiriönpoistoja, kohteen ja osuma-alueen vaihtoja, pientä stressitestiä kellon kanssa, jne. Nopea lounas, ja radalla tukiaseen ja pääaseen vaihtoja, häiriön poistoja eri tilanteissa sekä lopuksi esteen/ kulman takaa ampumista, jne.
Aurinkoa ja lämpöä riitti mukavat + 27-30 C ja nestettä kului; olo oli kuin "kotona" Lähi-idässä.
Oli mielenkiintoista päästä käsittelemään kahden pitkän päivän ajan AR-15 -kivääriä, joka on NATO -yhteensopivana aseena syrjäyttämässä vahvasti perinteistä Suomen Puolustusvoimien RK -rynnäkkökivääriä reserviläis- ja SRA- käytössä. AR-15 on pienikaliiperisempi (5.56 mm) ja painoltaan hieman kevyempi käsitellä kuin perinteinen RK -rynnäkkökivääriin (7,62 mm).
Suurin osa kurssilaisista oli vanhoja konkareita AR-15 käsittelyssä, mikä näkyikin otteissa ja varsinkin maalitaulujen reikien sijainnissa.
Oma kiväärikokemukseni perustui pitkälti Suomalaiseen RK -rynnäkkökivääriin, käytössä omassa varusmiespalveluksessa ja sen jälkeen YK- tehtävissä henkilökohtaisena aseena.
AR-15 kiväärillä olin ampunut aiemmin muutaman lippaallisen Puolan armeijan asekouluttajien pitämissä taktisissa koulutuksissa Puolassa.
Vanhat RK- refleksit sotkivat tekemistä ja virheitä tuli tasaisesti (vaihtimet ja lukitukset ovat AR-15 kiväärissä erilaiset ja eri paikassa), varsinkin lipasvaihtojen ja häiriöiden kanssa sai olla todella tarkkana. Aseen käsittelyssä kyse on hienomotoriikasta, vain millien siirroista vaihtimissa ja liipaisimella, virhe hidastaa suoritusta merkittävästi tai siirtää osuman kokonaan kohteen ohi. Tekemisen vaativuudelle antaa lisämaustetta kovien patruunoiden paino täysissä lippaissa ja vierestä kuuluva AR-15 kiväärin tasainen nakutus.
Kurssi oli minulle loistava AR-15 kiväärin käsittely ja käyttöpläjäys, hyviä vinkkejä omatoimiseen virheiden korjaamiseen ja kylmäharjoitteluun; vanha taistelijan sääntö ”tuhat toistoa päivässä pitää lääkärin loitolla" pätee tässäkin.
Mukana olleella BBGn tiimillä oli merkittävä osa tämän kurssin järjestämiseen. BGGn Tomas loihti kurssille maittavat eväät ammuntojen lomassa; neljä tähteä, valkoisten pöytäliinojen puuttuminen vei yhden tähden. Iso Kiitos Tomakselle ja muille BBGn MahtiÄijille.
Kurssin yhteishenki oli Superia – Kiitos Teille! Ja tietysti Iso Kiitos Jarille! Jarilla on kokemusta huokuva ote asekoulutuksiin! Turvallisuus on numero yksi ja virheitä korjataan tarkasti pitkin matkaa hyvässä hengessä!
Täyttä kymppiä täytyy antaa INFINITY TACTICS- kursseille ja Jarille. Kolmea en vaihda, Jaria kouluttajana, Tomasta
kokkina ja punapistetähtäintä (Aimpoint) kiväärin päällä.
INFINITY TACTICS web- sivut www.infinitytactics.com ja FB -sivut https://www.facebook.com/InfinityTactics/
Aurinkoista Syksyä Kaikille,
Combat Academy of Finland
Aug 2, 2018 by Ari Kangas
Kansainvälinen ase- ampumakoulutusyritys INFINITY TACTICS järjesti taktisen pistooliammunnan (Tactical Handgun Course 2) kurssin OSUVAn Tähtitorninmäen ampumaradalla La 21.7. johon minulla (Ari) oli kunnia osallistua.
Päivän kestäneessä asekoulutuksessa viranomaisista ja alan ammattilaisista koostuva ryhmämme pääsi testaamaan INFINITY TACTICSin tarjoamaa taktista ammuntaa OSUVAn Helsingin Tähtitorninmäen ampumaradalla (Fabianinkatu 1).
Kurssin opetuksesta vastasi INFINITY TACTICSin Instructor & Finland Country Manager Jari Pihlajamäki, jonka johdolla paneuduimme taktisen aseenkäytön ja ammunnan hienouksiin, pääpainon ollessa aiemmin opettujen tekniikoiden hiomisessa, yhden käden manipulaatioissa, suojan käytössä sekä liikkuminen ja ampuminen epätavallisista ampuma-asennoista.
Omalta osaltani jouduin taas kerran nöyrästi toteamaan, että taktinen aseenkäsittely on äärettömän vaativaa ja tarkkaa työtä. Taktisessa aseen käsittelyssä kun puhutaan sekuntien murto-osissa tehdyistä hienomotorisista liikkeistä, joita on hiottu tuhansia ja tuhansia kertoja, suurella ilolla ja kunnioituksella sain seurata Jarin ja muiden kurssilaisten mahtavaa tekemistä.
Todella Mahtava päivä ja tätä varmasti Lisää :)
Lämpimät Kiitokset INFINITY TACTICSin Jari Pihlajamäelle (terkut myös Mikko Leinoselle), kurssikavereille sekä OSUVAn porukalle (Antille, Otsolle, jne.).
INFINITY TACTICSn ja OSUVAn toimintoja ja henkilökuntaa voin lämpimästi Suositella Kaikille!
The Real Thing – Five Stars
Combat Academy of Finland
Dec 30, 2016 by Ian Boughey
I have been a teacher, employed teachers, and worked with teachers, for over 36 years and in all this time, it was rare to meet a pedagogue who is totally passionate about his or her subject and has also mastered it completely.
Mikko is such a teacher. I learned so much and enjoyed the time with him in that one hour lesson that I didn't notice the time passing!
The moment I met him I felt that I was in the presence of someone who was totally in control of the situation which, when you are a beginner in this field, helps to relax you.
The lesson was entirely satisfying as he corrected my faults right from the beginning and treated me like an intelligent, thinking, adult even though this was my first time.
I can't wait to continue my education with him and to take this new found passion of mine to the limit.
Dec 27, 2016 by Michael James
Mikko is a great coach! Friendly, clear, disciplined and extremely good at what he does.
Highly recommended!
Aug 30, 2016 by Simo Latvala
Aug 29, 2016 by Peter Ozua Jr
Professional, personable, and above all knowledgable.
Sep 14, 2015 by DSS1
I attended this with a friend, and we really appreciated the professionalism of Mikko.
We had a great time.
Sep 6, 2015 by Lionel T
I attended the Introductory firearms training session with my friends and below is my review:
1. Mikko is an excellent and a patient instructor. He made sure we all learn the importance of gun safety and also made sure we got precise information on every gun that we shot.
2. The whole course was a perfect mix of theory and actual shooting. I definitely enjoyed.
3. Mikko made us feel comfortable and made our experience more interesting and engaging by conducting a competition round. We loved it!!
Overall we had a great experience. I would recommend anyone who wants to try shooing to give this place a try. You wont be disappointed!
Aug 29, 2015 by Gianluca B
I attended Mikko's introductory course together with a friend. Excellent experience and very knowledgeable instructor. He is experienced, easy-going and always makes you feel comfortable!
Jun 7, 2015 by Dominic Voisin
Great introductory course. Mikko is a very experienced instructor which comes over in his professional, knowledgeable & friendly manner. It was a great experience that I would recommend to anyone who wants to try out pistol shooting.
May 9, 2015 by Sumit Thapliyal
I did the Beginners class and here is the feedback:
1. Excellent Instructor: Mikko is just great. I really felt that I am learning from an Armed Forces Officer. Experienced and very Sharp. each and every instruction was clear and precise.
2. Very good Course Structure: the right match of theory and practical...really learn a lot and enjoyed a lot.
100% value for money and time.
This course is a must if you are interested in shooting.
Apr 12, 2015 by Judit B
Great experience, thanks again!
I had a beginners/introductory course led by Mikko. He is a very good trainer, professional, passionate about his job, knowledgeable and friendly.
I would highly recommend to take a course with him to anyone, even those who never thought about trying shooting.
Feb 16, 2015 by Froilan Z
Although I've gone shooting previously, I've never actually taken a course to learn "properly". Taking Mikko's introductory course was the best decision I've done as a recreational shooter. I've always just thrown lead downrange and hoped for the best. No consistency, no "science" behind the activity. In a way, I may have developed really bad shooting habits and with the introductory course, I feel I'm on my way to becoming a better, more responsible, and more consistent shooter. Mikko was very clear in his explanations, very attentive, professional and very very knowledgeable. I believe that having another participant was also a really good idea, as it does give you a break between shooting, to reflect and discuss, and share the experience with someone during and after the course.
If you're thinking of shooting but never done it before, I would definitely suggest that you go with Mikko for your introductory course.
Feb 15, 2015 by Catarina M
Attended the introductory/beginners course led by Mikko. Really enjoyed how the session was structured starting with a comprehensive safety brief and clear instructions on technique. After this we went straight into practice, shooting at a target placed at various distances. It was good having a session with another participant as I learned from his contributions and it also gave me a needed break between rounds. Apart from being incredibly knowledgeable, I found Mikko engaging and patient. Mikko is a sharp observer, provides precise and useful feedback which he communicates effectively. Would encourage any sane people curious about shooting to attend a beginner’s session with Mikko.
Jan 25, 2015 by Chris R
Great introductory course. Mikko is professional, knowledgeable, helpful, and quite friendly. It was an excellent experience that I would highly recommend to people who want to try out shooting.
Jan 18, 2015 by Corrado
I completed the introductory course. Really professional approach at all times interesting and never boring. Great guy!
I would definitely recommend him as an instructor, if you want to experience this beautiful activity.
Nov 25, 2014 by Peter O
What an amazing teacher. He took myself and some friends for a shoot with semi automatic rifles, a sub machine gun, and a shotgun. He was not only deeply experienced, but also very personable. He made the whole day fun, safe and a real learning experience. Highly recommended and would love to do it all again.
Oct 4, 2014 by Peter Williams
Fantastic training by Mikko for my partner and I. We both agree he is extremely patient, professional, knowledgeable and an all round great guy!
Mikko's extensive experience and background are evident in his impressive ability with firearms.
Thank you from us both!
Sep 29, 2014 by Michael N
I had very good time with Mikko and excellent introduction the shooting world.
Sep 17, 2014 by robertobravo
Mikko is just awesome!!! he's calm, patient and detailed but without being boring. He gives you absolute confidence, he's focused on safety and precision and let you enjoy this experience. I highly appreciate his advice's and guidance. I recommend him to anyone that want to experience firearms. It was one of my best experiences ever.
Sep 15, 2014 by Katherine I
I had a wonderful time. It was my first experience with guns. Mikko takes you through all the safety tips and lets you do it with his close supervision.
Good activity for beating stress.
I will give 5 stars for outstanding professionalism with all people, good customer service and excellent training skills.
Highly recommended!
May 8, 2014 by Richard Chitwood
I had a great experience with Mikko! Very good on Safety and a lot of fun.
Apr 25, 2014 by John R
Mikko is great! Safety always first, funny guy, and he makes it all fun. 5 stars!
Apr 16, 2014 by Laurence Attouz
Mikko is a very good trainer, you feel yourself in good hands, on a safe mode. Groups are small so we have enough time to practice.
Usually we go out on the evening to share our feelings, some laughs and some drinks !!!
I highly recommend this activity to evacuate your stress and all negative feelings :)
Apr 16, 2014 by Thanos D
highly recommended!
Mikko combines effective training with fun but always under one flag:
I am not a beginner but will continue to take courses with him in order to improve my dynamic shooting technique!
Apr 15, 2014 by Briony P
My introuction to shooting course was one of the best afternoons I have spent in Geneva. I was quite nervous before we started, guns are powerful and obviously pretty dangerous, but Mikko put me at my ease and went through safety rules and taught us how to handle the weapons so thoroughly, which was really reassuring. I was interested by the psychology behind shooting, its a lot more than the point and aim I was expecting, and I was really satisfied to get decent results when I took this on board and really thought about what I was doing. The lesson went really quickly. Definitely want to go again and would recommend this to anyone.
Apr 15, 2014 by Adrien F
The best instructor in Geneva! For a kind of dangerous activity if its taking into consideration, he can lead us into a very safe and delightful moment of experience. A properly legitimate and respectable one and very good motivator. I've been addicted to shooting now, and no matter what, I feel better after I found a proper FOCUS on target. What my friends say when I came with the private group once? He has credibility!